
Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011

Fuchsschwanz - Panel saw

Mal wieder ein Fuchschwanz, eine unserer letzten Sägen mit Griff aus Cocobolo. Klaus hat eine Allergie entwickelt, sodass dieser Griff schon von Pedder zuende geschliffen werden musste.

Modell: Fuchschwanz
Blatt: 600 mm lang, 0,8 mm stark,
Bezahnung: 7 TPI Längsschnitt

Today a panel saw, one of our last saws with cocobolo handle. Klaus became hypersensitiv from Cocobolo so this handle had to be finished by Pedder.

Model: Panel Saw
Blade: 24" long, 0.032" thick,
Toothing: 7 TPI rip cut

Hier kann man den konvexen Verlauf der Zahnlinie sehen, das sorgt für eine bessere Kraftausnutzung

You can see the crown or breast in the toothline. Saves energy.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh my GOD this really awesome, one of the most beautyful saws I have ever seen, I´ll just keep begging for medallion fastener and then I´ll pay the cost

  2. It is awesome, and it's mine! :-D Can't wait to use it on a next project.

  3. Hi Jérôme,

    I'm sorry, I didn't went to Your page before. You're making some fantastic stuff. We are really proud, that You use our tools for that.

    Best wishes

  4. Thanks Pedder!
    I'll be proud to use a unique and handcrafted tool.
    I just had a quick try at ripping with it yesterday on my brand new sawbench, it was a real pleasure to be able to follow the scribe line so easily. Now I'm working on a way to fix it decently onto my toolrack...
